NOTE: This is available to new users ONLY.
Listen to 50+ Million Podcast Episodes & Sync Across Multiple Devices
Player FM is a top independent podcast player and podcast library, empowering listeners around the world to search, discover, save & listen to more than 50+ million podcast episodes across iPhone, Android, web, Apple Watch, and Apple CarPlay.
Listen to your favorite podcasts and discover new shows focused on news & politics, entertainment & pop culture, technology, sports, comedy, music, education, and more. The Player FM podcast library is updated multiple times per day, ensuring you always have access to the latest shows and episodes. Plus, discover documentaries, video podcasts and interviews with our human-powered catalog and advanced episode-level search.
Your Premium Membership includes all Standard features, plus:
Offline listening: Whether you're commuting or relaxing, Player FM is there for you, even without WiFi
Play across multiple devices: Easily sync your playlists, full play history, and resume playback across all your devices: iPhone, Android, web, Apple Watch and Apple CarPlay
Playlists & bookmarks: Organize with playlists and time-stamped bookmarks, synced to your account
Podcast categories: Organize your shows into genres & moods so you can select the right pod at the right time
Turbo Fetch: Get the latest episodes as soon as they drop
Personal search: Easily locate shows and episodes from your subscriptions and playlists
Seamless cloud sync: View your favorite podcasts across all your devices
Space saver: Compress downloaded episodes while maintaining audio quality
Relax & sleep: Discover and listen to our library of relaxing sleep sounds
Sleep timer: Fall asleep with a podcast playing
Discover: See what new shows and episodes are popular and trending
Social: Like and share your favorite episodes
Theme editor: Customize your theme & sync across devices
Custom app icons: Choose from 9 unique app icons to match your home screen
Top podcasts you'll find
Podcast listeners love Player FM
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"This is 'the' way to handle your podcast subscriptions. It's also a great way to discover new podcasts."
by anonymous user
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"It’s fast, responsive, intuitive, and beautiful. Support has always been GREAT. No other podcast app has all of the features I want, and the premium fee is well worth it given how much I’ve used the app over the years."
by ifitsfreeitsforme
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"I love this app. A great range of podcasts and very easy to add if not already available. Very user friendly, it's the only podcast player I've needed [...] Very happy to see the addition of the sleep sounds/relaxation playlist. I use the Premium version and really appreciate the ability to sync across multiple devices."
by ifitsfreeitsforme
What the experts say
 | "The app guides you to smart, interesting podcasts based on category, channel, or even specific topics." |
 | "Makes podcasts look cool again" |
 | "Right from the start, I found the experience of using PlayerFM enjoyable" |